5 PRSA Southeast District Conference speakers to follow on social media

So you’re all registered for the 2018 PRSA Southeast District Conference. Your hotel is booked. Now you’re counting down the days until the conference begins.

What else can you do to get ready? How about follow the speakers on social media.

Many of the presenters at the PRSA Southeast District Conference are active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. We’ve put together a Twitter list (prsaseconf18) to help you follow along and get to know the speakers before you meet them in person.

Here are five social media accounts to get your started:

1) Maree Jones (Twitter: @mareejones) The “Influencer Whisperer” shares her great insights on the world. As she admits in her profile, “This is where she lets her hair down, but beware the messy bun.” Life’s messy.  Be loud and proud.

2) Christine Varela (Instagram: @varelacm) Things must always looking up for this strategic communication consultant out of Spokane, Washington. Even in the midst of handling a crisis that landed a client on the Today show, Varela keeps her cool as “the Hammer” for DH. Her Instagram is a great travelogue for someone with “insatiable wanderlust.”

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3) Brian Bowman (Twitter: @RunningOnAcorns) This former TV reporter is gearing up for a marathon this year. You can follow his training and his clever, humorous take on the world around him.

4) Graham Wilson (Twitter: @GrahamHWilson): This former press secretary for the Governor of North Carolina has seen a lot in his days as a PR pro and TV news guy. He holds nothing back with his observations of life.

5) Kipp Bodnar (Instagram: @kippbondar) Kipp lives a live full of passions. Follow his love of B2B marketing on his Twitter. His Instagram showcases a rich love of food and travel.

This cinnamon roll is my kryptonite. #backintheday #cinnamonrollsaturday

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That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Connect with our great line-up of speakers on social today so you’ll be ready to connect in person in April.

The PRSA Southeast District Conference takes place April 18-20, 2018, in Raleigh, N.C. For more information or to register, visit prsasummit.org.