The 2018 PRSA Southeast District Conference will be full of engaging and informative speakers and presentations. They’ll make it look easy; the best speakers always do.
If you’re looking to improve your speaking skills, you’ll want to join Karla Jennings for the 10:00 a.m. session on Thursday, April 19. For the past four years, she has been teaching at Armstrong State University in Savannah, Georgia, and she is a lead instructor for the university’s Professional Communication and Leadership (PCL) graduate program. She recently developed a new graduate course in advanced presentation skills which uses the TED Talk model to teach public speaking.
We talked with Jennings for a preview of her presentation:
What makes TED talks so compelling?
TED Talks are compelling because they are about a single idea. They’re “ideas worth sharing.”
What’s your favorite TED talk and why?
I don’t have one favorite TED Talk, but the one I have personally been most influenced by is a classic: Amy Cuddy’s “Your body language may shape who you are.” This was the TED Talk that turned me on to TED Talks. I love the topic, the “idea worth spreading,” the research explained in a simple way, and of course the personal story by the speaker at the end.
What should the role of slides/PowerPoint be in a good presentation?
The role of slides and really the role of any presentation aid should be to clarify. The saying, “A picture is worth 1,000 words” is true. Let slides do the work when it is clearer to show rather than tell.
What was your worst public speaking situation?
My worst public speaking situation?? Having to stand in front of a group and say goodbye. I was moving away and knew this would be my last time seeing some of these people. Emotion got the best of me. I was a blubbering mess. My emotions kept me from saying what I wanted to say well.
What can conference attendees expect to learn from your discussion?
Conference attendees can expect to learn ways to connect with your audience, how to focus on key messages, and what elements make for successful delivery of a presentation.
The PRSA Southeast District Conference takes place April 18-20, 2018, in Raleigh, N.C. For more information or to register, visit