Chapter: Georgia Chapter
Current position: Director of Communications, DeltaWing Technology Group
How long in current position: Two Years, Six Months
First PR job: Communications Specialist, Ford Motor Company, Southeast Public Affairs office in Downtown Atlanta (1995)
Where you attended college: Georgia State University, BA Journalism
If you weren’t doing PR, you’d be…… I can’t imagine not being in public relations. But I’m sure I’d fall back on my first career – journalist. I held various positions in trade magazine journalism from editorial assistant to editor-in-chief/co-publisher for two magazines.
Proudest professional accomplishment: Conceptualizing and leading the North American media launches for the Porsche Cayenne, the Porsche Cayman, and the Porsche Panamera. All were entirely new Porsche models, and Cayenne and Panamera were key in doubling the company’s North American and worldwide sales
What is your passion? First passion is of course my family, and I have a lot more. But the one that drives my career is the automobile industry. It started with a passion for cars. I’ve been a car junkie since my the day I rode in the back of my cousin’s Oldsmobile Cutlass W-30 442 with my brother as he took a test run at a Florida drag strip where he raced later that day. Today I still tinker on my 1966 Ford Fairlane 500 convertible.
Why you are a PRSA member? When I first transitioned from journalism to public relations, I had the great opportunity to work with a 30-plus-year Ford Motor Company public affairs veteran. She taught me this profession, and she was a PRSA member. I then joined an agency where PRSA membership was crucial for case studies, research, etc. Moving to Porsche and finding two colleagues who also were members and APR accredited confirmed the importance and value of membership PRSA membership. It convinced me that I should continue my membership and never let it lapse. There are so many valuable resources from the website to Public Relations Tactics and The Public Relations Strategist. I have many past and current issues in my office and flip through them regularly!
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