Chapter: PRSA of Alabama
Current position: Public Relations Director of the Birmingham Public Library, Birmingham, Ala.
How long in current position: 1 year as of Sept. 8, 2016
First PR job: Marketing Director of Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School, Birmingham, Ala. (September 2012- January 2014)
Where you attended college: Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Ala.
If you weren’t doing PR, you’d be…… a newspaper journalist again as I did for 25 years prior to going into PR in 2012.
Proudest professional accomplishment: Able to perform my job duties as a newspaper reporter amidst widespread media scrutiny in Alabama for a year when word got out that I lost my oldest brother in the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon, plus wrote a journal during that period that I turned into my first book, a memoir called “911, God Help Us: A Journalist’s Tale of Faith: How Losing Brother in Sept. 11 Terrorist Attack Transformed Reporter into a Witness for God.”
What is your passion? Helping educate readers and promote my employer through press releases I write.
Why you are a PRSA member? To gain insight from public relations experts on how to improve my ability to promote the Birmingham Public Library
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